DIY kits/ Crafting/ Mindful Art

We create all sorts of DIY crafting kits and the all important mindful colouring plaques, along with all the paints and colours you may need to make your creations come to life.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment.

With our Mindful Art we help draw your attention into the present moment through colouring-in using a Mindful Art Plaques.

Being able to be creative and express yourself though Arts and crafts has been proven to help and benefit mental health — making you a happier, healthier person, activities like painting, sculpting, drawing, and photography are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower your stress level and leave you feeling mentally clear and calm. This is true in all ages

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
— Pablo Picasso

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